Rundle Eco Services
Rundle Eco Services Ltd. was formed in August 2017 with the focus to recycle frac pond and pit liners used in the oil and gas industry. Liners are collected and processed to be recycled in an advanced technologically and environmentally system leaving a clean environmental foot print. The end use of the HDPE and LLDPE (poly) is to be shredded and processed into pellets that then can be extruded into various forms of usable plastic products including furniture, various building materials, industrial packaging etc. We accept all thickness of liner. As well, we will accept geo-textile under lay. Unfortunately, under lay currently cannot be recycled and will be placed in land fill. Liners are cleaned on site and must be free of contaminates before Rundle Eco Services can proceed with recycling. In addition, Rundle also produces rubber access matting that is made 100% from recycled tires. Each access mat contains approximately 165 recycled tires.
Profit & Sustainability